On Wednesday, May 2, House Bill 1287, introduced by State Representative Ronnie Sutton (D-47), passed the North Carolina House of Representatives. HB1287 seeks to create a new statewide database to which sheriffs would report all individuals who have been denied a permit to purchase a pistol.
While the NRA still opposes HB1287, pro-gun legislators were able to amend the bill before the final vote to require sheriffs to report into the database the reasons for denials and require the database only be used for the purpose of checking for permit to purchase denials.
HB1287 is now heading to the State Senate. Please contact your State Senator and respectfully urge him or her to OPPOSE HB1287 and keep law-abiding citizens from being tagged like criminals in a statewide database because of a sheriff's random, arbitrary denial to issue a permit to purchase a pistol. Contact information can be found by clicking here.