The Arizona Game & Fish Department (AGFD) invites you to a meeting to provide input on the Ben Avery master plan!
The meeting is to be held Saturday, October 7, from 8 a.m., to 4 p.m., at the Embassy Suites, 2577 W. Greenway Road, in Phoenix. The AGFD wants to ensure that the Ben Avery Shooting Facility continues to be a premier facility serving the needs of our shooting community. To that end, the department is engaging in a "master planning" process for the facility.
Representatives from the AGFD and Logan Simpson Design consultants will be in attendance to receive your input into the features, amenities, and other suggestions you would like to see incorporated in a master plan for the range. Please bring your ideas and suggestions.
For more information, contact Anthony Chavez, statewide shooting ranges coordinator, at (602) 789-3395 or [email protected].