It is critical that you continue contacting your State Representatives asking them to VOTE TO CONCUR with the Senate amendments to House Bill 1141. HB 1141 is the most significant piece of legislation protecting gun owners and sportsmen in recent memory. It contains language (1) allowing hunting to continue on minimum-sized land tracts which are annexed by a city or county (even if that locality bans the discharge of firearms); (2) prohibiting local officials from confiscating lawfully-possessed firearms during a natural disaster; and (3) permitting employees, under certain circumstances, to transport and store firearms in their locked private vehicles while parked on property controlled by their employer.
Let your State Representatives know that a vote to send the bill to a “conference committee” to work out differences between the House and Senate versions is considered a vote to defeat the bill. Please forward this alert to at least five other gun owners and sportsmen you know. To contact your State Representatives please call (601) 359-3360 during regularly scheduled hours. For more contact information for your State Representatives in Jackson, please visit or use the “Write Your Representatives” feature at