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Please Contact Your Illinois Lawmaker!

Thursday, April 7, 2005

Dear Illinois NRA Member,

The Illinois House of Representatives will soon consider several pro-gun bills, and legislators needs to hear from you! More than a dozen pro-gun bills are being considered by the House, and it is important that you call today to voice your support for these bills.

Among these are bills that would bring Right-to-Carry to Illinois (HB 2607, HB 2567), preempt local municipalities from enacting certain restrictions on firearms (HB 2568, HB937, HB 936), legislation that establishes remedies for law-abiding citizens should their application for a FOID card take longer than 30 days (HB 136), and a bill (HB 716) to clarify when the waiting period on firearm purchases begins.

In addition to the aforementioned bills, NRA is also supporting legislation that would eliminate waiting period requirements when trading one firearm for another (HB 340), require the return of seized firearms when a defendant is found not guilty or charges are dismissed (HB 824), require the destruction of records on individuals when a firearm transfer has not been denied (HB 935), require any local ordinance prohibiting firearms to include an exception for self-defense (HB 478), and a gun show bill (HB 341) that includes destruction of records language (as in HB 935) and preemption language (as in HB 2568, HB 937, and HB 936).

Please contact your legislator and urge their support of these NRA-supported measures.

Please use the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.nraila.org to contact your legislators.

AD 05 - Representative Kenneth Dunkin in Springfield (217) 782-4535, district office (312) 266-0340

AD 15 - Representative John D’Amico in Springfield (217) 782-8198, district office (773) 736-0218

AD 36 - Representative James D. Brosnahan in Springfield (217) 782-0515, district office (708) 499-2810

AD 37 - Representative Kevin A. McCarthy in Springfield (217) 782-3316, district office (708) 226-1999

AD 47 - Representative Patricia R. Bellock in Springfield (217) 782-1448, district office (630) 852-8633

AD 53 - Representative Sidney H. Mathias in Springfield (217) 782-1664, district office (847) 222-0061

AD 56 - Representative Paul D. Froehlich in Springfield (217) 782-3725, district office (847) 985-9210

AD 65 - Representative Rosemary Mulligan in Springfield (217) 782-8007, district office (847) 297-6533

AD 67 - Representative Charles E. Jefferson in Springfield (217) 782-3167, district office (815) 987-7433

AD 82 - Representative Eileen Lyons in Springfield (217) 782-0494, district office (708) 352-7700

AD 83 - Representative Linda Chapa LaVia in Springfield (217) 558-1002, district office (630) 264-6855

AD 86 - Representative Jack Mcguire in Springfield (217) 782-8090, district office (815) 730-8600

AD 92 - Representative Aaron Schock in Springfield (217) 782-3186, district office (309) 672-9292

AD 103 - Representative Naomi Jakobsson in Springfield (217) 558-1009, district office (217) 373-5000

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.