Anyone who doubts the depths to which the Brady Campaign will sink to advance its extremist gun ban agenda should do so no more. In a March 3 press conference to announce the introduction of legislation by Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Charles Schumer, and Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) to ban the FN 5.7mm caliber Five seveN pistol, the Brady Campaign`s President, Mike Barnes, stooped to a new low.
Even though "armor piercing ammunition" has been restricted under federal law since 1986, Brady and the anti-gun politicians nevertheless claimed that 5.7mm ammunition available to the general public penetrates bullet-resistant vests.
That lie is bad enough. But then Barnes demonstrated his group`s complete and utter disregard for gun safety and its flaming zeal to further restrict the rights of law-abiding gun owners, challenging NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre to "put on a bullet proof vest, and we`ll fire the weapon at him, and see what happens."
Claims made by Brady, Lautenberg, Schumer, and their ilk would lack credibility under any circumstances. But Barnes`s outrageous comment, along with Brady`s lies about the pistol and its ammunition, prove that the group has severed all ties to reality. For anyone interested in the facts, the BATFE--the nation`s regulatory authority over firearms and ammunition--has already made it clear that the pistol and ammunition that is available to the public are legal for importation and sale under federal law. (See
Further, anyone who is even remotely familiar with firearms safety knows that you never point a gun--loaded or unloaded--at someone for anything other than defensive purposes. That is the Golden Rule of gun safety.
Unfortunately, however, the media did not report Barnes`s preposterous statement for what it is--a hysterical attempt by a radical group that knows it is on the losing side of history, much like Barnes` former pen pal Marxist dictator Daniel Ortega--that is trying desperately to rejuvenate its failed gun-ban agenda. We hope that the national media will demand a retraction of Barnes`s extremist and offensive statement and request that he issue an apology.
On this most important debate over the rights of law-abiding American citizens, opposing groups should be able to disagree without being disagreeable. Apparently, Barnes has shown he is incapable of comporting himself in such a civil manner.