A recent memorandum opinion for the U.S. Attorney General states: "For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the Second Amendment secures an individual right to keep and to bear arms. [O]ur examination of the original meaning of the Amendment provides extensive reasons to conclude that the Second Amendment secures an individual right, and no persuasive basis for either the collective-right or quasi-collective-right views. [T]he broader history of the Anglo-American right of individuals to have and use arms, from England`s Revolution of 1688-1689 to the ratification of the Second Amendment a hundred years later, leads to the same conclusion. Finally, the first hundred years of interpretations of the Amendment, and especially the commentaries and case law in the pre-Civil War period closest to the Amendment`s ratification, confirm what the text and history of the Second Amendment require."
Read Original at: U.S. Department Of Justice