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Congratulations On A Job Well Done!

Friday, November 5, 2004

On Election Day, you made the difference across America by "Voting Freedom First!"

The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) earned a 95% success rate of endorsed congressional candidates winning their races! The Association also won two major battles over anti-hunting initiatives, as voters in Alaska and Maine rejected ballot issues banning bear hunting methods.

Of the 251 candidates endorsed by NRA for the U.S. House of Representatives, 241 candidates won! And 14 of the 18 NRA-PVF-endorsed U.S. Senate candidates won their races! For candidates and issues for which an NRA-ILA Grassroots Election Workshop was conducted, we enjoyed an 81% success rate!

"This election was crucial for the Second Amendment," said NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. "The NRA stands for freedom; our members are defenders of freedom, and we are proud to see that gun owners across the country came out and voted for freedom.

"I really hope that national Democratic leaders stop taking this party off the cliff and look at the heartland and the wreckage this issue has caused. They have to start putting up candidates who support gun rights and have a voting record to match their photo-ops," added LaPierre.

The election outcome continues a strong winning streak for NRA-PVF-endorsed candidates. In 2000, NRA had an 85% success rate, followed by an 89% success rate in 2002. NRA`s impressive numbers illustrate the strength of gun owners as a voting bloc each election cycle.

"We`ve seen a real political sea change in this country since Al Gore`s defeat in 2000," added NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "A number of anti-gun candidates attempted to hide their gun-control agendas to get elected. Fortunately, savvy gun owners saw through misleading campaign tactics and voted for true pro-gun candidates on November 2," concluded Cox.

Top pro-gun Senate winners are: John Thune (S.D.); Mel Martinez (Fla.); Jim DeMint (S.C.); Johnny Isakson (Ga.); Richard Burr (N.C.); David Vitter (La.); Tom Coburn (Okla.); Lisa Murkowski (Alaska); Jim Bunning (Ky.) and Arlen Specter (Pa.).

Newly-elected pro-gun freshman in the House of Representatives include: John Salazar (CO-3); Connie Mack (FL-14); Tom Price (GA-8); Mike Sodrel (IN-9); Geoff Davis (KY-4); Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1); Virginia Foxx (NC-5); Patrick McHenry (NC-10); Dan Boren (OK-2); Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-8); Charlie Dent (PA-15); Bob Inglis (SC-4); Louie Gohmert (TX-1); Ted Poe (TX-2); Mike McCaul (TX-10); Mike Conaway (TX-11); Kenny Marchant (TX-24); Henry Cuellar (TX-28); Thelma Drake (VA-2); and Cathy McMorris (WA-5).

Pro-gun incumbent Representatives re-elected include: Rick Renzi (AZ-1); John Porter (NV-3); Bob Beauprez (CO-7); Pete Sessions (TX-32); Sam Graves (MO-6); Mark Kennedy (MN-6); Lee Terry (NE-2); Jim Gerlach (PA-6); Katherine Harris (FL-13); Jim Marshall (GA-3); John Hostettler (IN-8); Cathy McMorris (WA-5); and Shelley Moore Capito (WV-2).

In state elections, 9 of 11 NRA-PVF-endorsed Gubernatorial candidates and 100% of NRA-PVF-endorsed Attorneys General prevailed on Election Day!

NRA-ILA would like to thank all of our members, volunteers, and supporters--especially our hundreds of dedicated Election Volunteer Coordinators--who worked so hard to make this year`s elections such an overwhelming success. Without your time, energy, enthusiasm, and sacrifice, we would not have been able to accomplish all that we did. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future, in defense of the Second Amendment.

Once again, congratulations on a job well done!

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.