FAIRFAX, VA -- Following a national trend to uphold the heritage of America’s outdoorsmen and women, Louisiana citizens will face a vote on a constitutional amendment recognizing every citizen’s fundamental right to hunt, fish and trap. The National Rifle Association (NRA) steadfastly supports "The Freedom to Hunt, Fish and Trap" (Proposition 1) amendment and urges voters to adopt the amendment on their November 2nd ballots.
"Nearly twenty-five percent of Louisiana residents hunt or fish Hunters and sportsmen play a pivotal role in the state’s economy and society, and have been leaders in promoting wildlife management and conservation," said Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. "Proposition 1 not only protects Louisiana’s rich hunting, fishing and trapping heritage, but it is a vital component of the state’s economic health."
Seven states, most recently Wisconsin in April of 2003, have included language in their constitutions to preserve the freedom to hunt, fish and trap. Similar proposals are pending in eight additional states.
"To ensure the success of this important amendment, I am counting on every Louisiana NRA member and gun owner to fight for their hunting, fishing and trapping rights at the polls November 2nd," concluded Cox. "It’s up to voters to protect Louisiana, ‘The Sportsmen’s Paradise’, for generations to come."
Passage of such an amendment in other states has not lead to a proliferation of lawsuits by corporations with hunting or fishing interests, as detractors tried to predict. The language of the proposed amendment also recognizes the authority of the Louisiana Legislature and Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to manage, protect and conserve the states resources by both law and regulation.
The National Rifle Association is the nation’s leader in protecting the right to hunt for all law-abiding Americans. Along with approximately 17 million American hunters and many national conservation organizations, NRA is working to preserve the American hunting tradition for future generations.
Since 1939, hunters and shooters have paid over $4 billion in excise taxes on sporting equipment. Hunters and fishermen fund nearly 75% of the annual income for all 50 state conservation agencies. And, hunters contribute $21 billion to the American economy each year.