As Democratic presidential nominee, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) continues his charade of trying to convince us that he`s a "lifelong hunter and gun owner" who "believes in the Second Amendment," NRA-ILA continues to set the record straight.
The truth is, John Kerry is the most anti-gun presidential nominee in U.S. history! On issues directly affecting Second Amendment rights, Kerry has voted more than 50 times against us on the floor of the Senate! During a recent series of critically important votes in the U.S. Senate, Kerry eagerly worked to sabotage NRA-backed legislation to stop predatory lawsuits aimed at bankrupting the law-abiding firearms industry. He voted to extend the Clinton gun ban, to make now-legal private gun sales at gun shows criminal acts, and to support his crony Ted Kennedy`s (D-Mass.) ammunition ban, a senseless maneuver which would have banned nearly all centerfire hunting ammunition! And these are but a few examples!
Now, more groups are coming forward to challenge Kerry`s claims and call him to account.
One such group, Vietnam Veterans for the Truth, LLC (VVT), will be hosting a fundraising dinner on August 17, at the Aquaturf Club in Plantsville, Connecticut. Proceeds from the event will benefit VVT`s "Kerry Lied ...While Good Men Died" rally in Washington, D.C., on September 12. Attendance at the dinner is not limited to veterans; warmly invited are those Americans who share VVT`s views on the statements Kerry made about American veterans in 1971. Attendance is limited with an RSVP date of 8/10/04. Details are available at VVT`s website:
Another group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is challenging Kerry in a new television ad. The ad points out more troubling examples of Kerry`s difficulties in speaking the truth.
For more information and to view the ad, please visit