In an historic vote, law-abiding sportsmen will enjoy a dove hunting season in Minnesota for the first time since 1946. Despite efforts from anti-hunting groups to block the legislation, the Minnesota Legislature voted overwhelmingly to pass the Omnibus Game and Fish Bill (HF 2368) that places the mourning dove on the state’s game bird list. The bill is now headed to Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) for his expected signature. Minnesota will be the 40th state with an established dove hunting season in America.
"This is a significant moment for hunters and NRA members across the state," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "The men and women of Minnesota have made their voices heard—they do not want animal "rights" extremists making crucial decisions about their sport and hunting traditions. Establishing a mourning dove season in Minnesota is a victory for the American hunting heritage of this popular and familiar game bird.
"Thanks to the strong bi-partisan support of this legislation, the people of Minnesota will finally have the opportunity to participate in one of America’s oldest and cherished pastimes," added Cox. "On behalf of Minnesota’s NRA members, sportsmen and hunters, I want to thank Governor Pawlenty and all of the Senators and Representatives who supported this historic legislation. I would especially like to thank Speaker Steve Sviggum
(R-28B) and Senator Pat Pariseau (R-36) for their hard work and perseverance to reestablish this important tradition for future generations."
Visit to view a map of states with dove hunting seasons.