As noted in the February 13 edition of the Grassroots Alert, the Phoenix, Arizona-based Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF), one of the nation`s premier shooting facilities, had come under attack in recent years because of encroaching development. As a result, NRA-ILA recently helped pass HB 2158, the "Ben Avery Shooting Facility Preservation Bill."
Fast on the heels of this important legislative victory, we`re happy to report that the BASF has now been named as a Phoenix Point of Pride!
The Phoenix Points of Pride program is operated by the Phoenix Pride Commission. A Point of Pride is a landmark or attraction unique to, and located within, the city of Phoenix that evokes a sense of pride among area residents. The public nominated more than 70 sites for Phoenix Points of Pride status in the fall of 2003. The list was narrowed to 10 finalists, which were voted on by the public in February and March.
The City of Phoenix called the range, "a professionally managed and operated safe, family-based and customer-friendly shooting sports recreational facility."
Congratulations to BASF on this notable and much deserved distinction!