Last week the Kansas House passed HB 2798, the Personal and Family Protection Act. HB 2798 will provide law-abiding gun owners the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones. Today, Monday, March 15th, the Kansas Senate Federal & State Affairs Committee is scheduled to hear HB 2798. The Senate will be voting on the bill next week. Please contact the Federal & State Affairs Committee and your state Senators and respectfully urge them to support HB 2798. You can find contact information regarding your Senators by using the "Write Your Representative" feature on the right. The Committee members are listed below.
Sen. Donald Betts (D-29) (785) 296-7387
Sen. Pete Brungardt (R-24) (785) 296-7390
Sen. Stan Clark (R-40) (785) 296-7399
Sen. James Barnett (R-17) (785) 296-7384
Sen. Bob Lyon (R-3) (785) 296-7372
Sen. Kay O’Connor (R-9) (785) 296-7382
Sen. Ruth Teichman (R-33) (785) 296-7394
Sen. John L. Vratil (R-11) (785) 296-7361
Sen. Mark Gilstrap (D-5) (785) 296-7357