Senate Bill 947, which has been amended to revive parts of the Daley Gun Show Ban, passed the State House of Representatives with exactly 60 votes, the minimum number required for passage. SB 947 would impose an additional tax on all private transfers of firearms at gunshows. This would do nothing to prevent violent crime, but instead would place greater restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. SB 947 also requires background checks at guns shows, and allows the state police to keep additional records on firearms transferred at gunshows. This is the third time this session that the House has considered gunshow legislation, and the anti-gun leadership was finally able to strong arm a bill through that Chamber. The bill now goes to the Senate for a concurrence vote. It is critical that you contact your State Senator and urge them to oppose Senate Bill 947. You can find contact information for your Senator by using the "Write your Representative" feature at Please make that call today!