The debate on SB 501 could only be described as bizarre and confusing, at times. But in the end, Ratliff and his friends from the Texas Municipal League were successful in duping Senators into believing that they were voting for uniformity and consistency (as far as posting requirements go!) with his amendment, rather than voting to strip away legislative authority to regulate where CHLs can lawfully carry. |
The fight is not over! Now, it`s up to the Texas House to begin work on cleaning up SB 501. We`ll see which chamber is more interested in preserving legislative authority, which chamber is more interested in listening to the facts on this issue, and which chamber has more faith in the more than 220,000 CHLs in the State of Texas.
In the meantime, please call your Senator and the Lt. Governor and tell them what you think about the Ratliff Amendment to SB 501. Use the "Write Your Legislators" box above for contact information for your Senator and the Lt. Governor.