NRA success was not limited to federal races, though. Across the nation, NRA-PVF’s endorsed candidates seeking state and local offices enjoyed an amazing 85% success rate in approximately 2,300 races. Gubernatorial candidates running on anti-gun platforms were turned back everywhere, most notably in Maryland, although some anti-gun candidates were successful when they camouflaged themselves as being pro-gun. Overall, there are now 37 states with a governor that holds pro-gun views.
Our thanks go out to all of our members and supporters—especially NRA-ILA’s 300+ Election Volunteer Coordinators—who worked so hard to make Election Day 2002 such a tremendous success. Without your dedication, we would not have been able to achieve all that we have. With new pro-gun Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), Norm Coleman (R-Minn.), John Cornyn (R-Tex.), Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), John Sununu (R. N.H.), and Jim Talent (R-Mo.), and too many new pro-gun U.S. Representatives to list, NRA looks forward to working with our supporters, both old and new, as we promote our pro-Second Amendment agenda. Even with our successes on Tuesday, however, the pro-gun margin in Congress remains very thin. There is still a need to remain vigilant, as threats to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms will remain!