Recently, a group that is opposed to Right-to-Carry legislation currently under consideration in Wisconsin argued against Right-to-Carry based upon the fact that, recently, the South had the highest regional violent crime rate, while also having a high percentage of states with Right-to-Carry laws.
In fact, the South has for decades had the highest violent crime rates in the nation, and the relationship between the regions` violent crime rates has remained fairly constant. Interestingly, and a fact not mentioned by the anti-gun group, New England is the region that has historically had the lowest violent crime rates while also having the highest percentage of Right-to-Carry states. The region`s four RTC states are Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont (one of only two states in the country that allow carrying without a permit). The South, for decades, had only one Right-to-Carry state, Alabama.
Violent crimes per 100,000 population.