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UN Finally Closes Its Discussion on Arms...For Now

Friday, August 10, 2001

As previously reported, the "U.N. Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all its Aspects" concluded with a final "Programme of Action" that posed no imminent threat to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. However, many of the U.N.`s member states, along with anti-gun non-governmental organizations (NGOs), complained that more should be done to restrict law-abiding civilians from possessing firearms. The government of Colombia forced a discussion on further efforts to regulate firearms by the U.N. Security Council on August 2. The rotating presidency of the Security Council is held by Colombia for the month of August, which gives it the authority to make such a demand. The "debate" resulted in little more than a call by several nations to support efforts to severely restrict or outright prohibit the possession of firearms on a global basis. Secretary-General Koffi Annan told the Council the recent "Programme of Action" represented "significant first steps," and that it was "a beginning, not an end...." He encouraged "governments to continue to work on" the anti-gun provisions that were proposed in the "Draft Programme of Action," but did not make it into the final version.

U.S. Ambassador James Cunningham, however, reminded the Council that the role of the Security Council in implementing the "Programme of Action" was limited, and should remain so, saying, "My Government believes that the focus of the Conference, as reflected in the ‘Programme of Action,` was properly on the member states and their obligations and efforts to eliminate the illicit arms trade. Thus, the Security Council`s role is circumscribed. We do not believe that the Security Council should seek a more elaborate role, beyond its competence." While the close of the August 2 meeting brought an end to this round of U.N. discussions on firearms, it is clear that there are many member states that wish to continue the harangue, and wish to impose greater restrictions on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. And the "Programme of Action" calls for a new round of discussions in 2006, so this international debate is far from over.

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation


Monday, July 29, 2024

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation

Since President Joe Biden unceremoniously dropped out, or was forced out, of the 2024 presidential race on July 21, Vice President Kamala Harris has been effectively coronated as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Press Covers for Kamala Harris’s Clear Record on Gun Confiscation


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Press Covers for Kamala Harris’s Clear Record on Gun Confiscation

The legacy media has mostly given up the pretense of carrying out its once-professed mission – holding power to account. At this point, no reasonable person expects the regime press to cover legitimate news that ...

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party Platform: Threats to the Second Amendment


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party Platform: Threats to the Second Amendment

With the release of the 2024 Democratic Party Platform, the national Democratic Party has once again confirmed its extreme anti-gun positions.

Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Massachusetts: Gov. Healey Signs Radical Gun Control Into Law

On Thursday, July 25th, Governor Maura Healey (D) signed H. 4885, "an act modernizing firearm laws," one of the most extreme gun control bills in the country, into law.

NRA Report on UN Arms Trade Treaty Conference


Friday, August 23, 2024

NRA Report on UN Arms Trade Treaty Conference

The 10th Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty met this week in Geneva, Switzerland.

California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

California: Anti-Gun Bills Pass Legislature, Heading to Governor’s Desk

Yesterday, the California legislature passed two anti-gun bills that will now head to Governor Newsom for his signature. NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to contact Governor Newsom today and urge him to veto ...

En Banc Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Requirement in NRA-Backed Challenge.

Friday, August 23, 2024

En Banc Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Requirement in NRA-Backed Challenge.

Today, the en banc Fourth Circuit upheld Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License (HQL) requirement in Maryland Shall Issue v. Moore, an NRA-supported case.

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

Monday, April 1, 2024

NRA Scores Legal Victory Against ATF; “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members

NRA Members Among the Largest Class Protected from Draconian Rule

Kamala Harris Desperately Running from Her Own Anti-Second Amendment Record


Monday, August 5, 2024

Kamala Harris Desperately Running from Her Own Anti-Second Amendment Record

Kamala Harris, the party-installed alternative to Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election, is now squarely in the national spotlight.

NRA Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief in Challenge to ATF’s “Frame or Receiver” Rule

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

NRA Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief in Challenge to ATF’s “Frame or Receiver” Rule

On August 20, NRA filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in a challenge to the ATF’s Final Rule that redefines the Gun Control Act of 1968’s definition of “firearm” to include precursors of ...


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.