Urge your Representative to Co-Sponsor H.R. 2037
Congress is on recess this week, so now is a perfect opportunity to supportH.R. 2037 in personal communications with your elected Representatives. H.R. 2037 is a bill that seeks to protect our Second Amendment rights by preventing firearms and ammunition manufacturers from being sued for the criminal misuse of their lawful products by third parties.Please take the time to attend any local town hall meetings and/or call the district office of your U.S. Representative to urge him to co-sponsor H.R. 2037. This legislation would amend the Act that established theDepartment of Commerce, creating a protection for manufacturers and sellers in the firearms and ammunition industry from court-imposed restrictions on interstate or foreign commerce. H.R. 2037 was introduced with 101 original co-sponsors onMay 25, 2001.
Those lawmakers listed on the next page are the original co-sponsors of this legislation.If you are a consituent of one of these Representatives, please contact him, or attend any scheduled town hall meetings he is hosting, and thank him for his support. If your U.S. Representative isnot on this list, he should be given extra encouragement to add his name to H.R. 2037 as a co-sponsoras soon as possible. We hope to double the number of co-sponsors during the month of June.
Town hall meetings offer a tremendous opportunity for you to support your Second Amendment rights bypersonally encouraging your U.S. Representative to sign on as a co-sponsor to H.R. 2037.
When Attending A Town Hall Meeting, Please Keep The Following In Mind:
You may contact your U.S. Representative`s office to find out if he has any town hall meetings scheduled. Finally, when you learn of any town hall meetings for your Representative, please be sure to pass this information along to the ILA Grassroots Division by calling 800-392-8683 or faxing 703-267-3918, so we may alert your fellow NRA members. |
Aderholt, Robert (R-Ala.) | Goode, Virgil (I-Va.) | Pitts, Joe (R-Pa.) |
Baca, Joe (D-Cal.) | Goodlatte, Bob (R-Va.) | Radanovich, George (R-Cal.) |
Bachus, Spencer (R-Ala.) | Graham, Lindsey (R-S.C.) | Rahall, Nick (D-W.V.) |
Ballenger, Cass (R-N.C.) | Graves, Sam (R-Mo.) | Rehberg, Denny (R-Mont.) |
Barcia, Jim (D-Mich.) | Hall, Ralph(D-Tex.) | Rogers, Mike (R-Mich.) |
Barr, Bob (R-Ga.) | Hansen, Jim (R-Utah) | Ross, Mike (D-Ark.) |
Bartlett, Roscoe (R-Md.) | Hart, Melissa (R-Pa.) | Ryan, Paul (R-Wisc.) |
Barton, Joe (R-Tex.) | Hayes, Robin (R-N.C.) | Ryun, Jim (R-Kan.) |
Bass, Charlie (R-N.H.) | Hefley, Joel (R-Colo.) | Sandlin, Max (D-Tex.) |
Bishop, Sanford (D-Ga.) | Herger, Wally (R-Cal.) | Schaffer, Bob (R-Colo.) |
Blunt, Roy (R-Mo.) | Hilleary, Van (R-Tenn.) | Schrock, Ed (R-Va.) |
Boucher, Rick (D-Va.) | Holden, Tim (D-Pa.) | Sensenbrenner, Jim (R-Wisc.) |
Brown, Henry (R-S.C.) | Hunter, Duncan (R-Cal.) | Sessions, Pete (R-Tex.) |
Bryant, Ed (R-Tenn.) | Issa, Darrell (R-Cal.) | Shadegg, John (R-Ariz.) |
Burr, Richard (R-N.C.) | Istook, Ernest (R-Okla.) | Shimkus, John (R-Ill.) |
Burton, Dan (R-Ind.) | Jenkins, Bill (R-Tenn.) | Shows, Ronnie (D-Miss.) |
Buyer, Steve (R-Ind.) | John, Chris (D-La.) | Shuster, Bill (R-Pa.) |
Calvert, Ken (R-Cal.) | Johnson, Tim (R-Ill.) | Simmons, Rob (R-Ct.) |
Cannon, Chris (R-Utah) | Jones, Walter (R-N.C.) | Simpson, Mike (R-Idaho) |
Cantor, Eric (R-Va.) | Keller, Ric (R-Fla.) | Skeen, Joe (R-N.M.) |
Carson, Brad (D-Okla.) | Kerns, Brian (R-Ind.) | Smith, Lamar (R-Tex.) |
Chabot, Steve (R-Ohio) | Largent, Steve (R-Okla.) | Souder, Mark (R-Ind.) |
Cramer, Bud (D-Ala.) | Lucas, Frank (R-Okla.) | Stearns, Cliff (R-Fla.) |
Crane, Phil (R-Ill.) | Lucas, Ken (D-Ky.) | Stenholm, Charlie (D-Tex.) |
Cubin, Barbara (R-Wyo.) | Manzullo, Don (R-Ill.) | Strickland, Ted (D-Ohio) |
Culberson, John (R-Tex.) | Matheson, Jim (D-Utah) | Sununu, John (R-N.H.) |
Cunningham, Duke (R-Cal.) | Miller, Gary (R-Cal.) | Taylor, Gene (D-Miss.) |
Davis, Jo Ann (R-Va.) | Ney, Bob (R-Ohio) | Terry, Lee (R-Neb.) |
DeLay, Tom (R-Tex.) | Norwood, Charlie (R-Ga.) | Tiahrt, Todd (R-Kan.) |
DeMint, Jim (R-S.C.) | Oberstar, Jim (D-Minn.) | Traficant, Jim (D-Ohio) |
Dingell, John (D-Mich.) | Otter, Butch (R-Idaho) | Walden, Greg (R-Ore.) |
Doolittle, John (R-Cal.) | Pence, Mike (R-Ind.) | Whitfield, Ed (R-Ky.) |
Flake, Jeff (R-Ariz.) | Peterson, John (R-Pa.) | Wicker, Roger (R-Miss.) |
Gibbons, Jim (R-Nev.) | Pickering, Chip (R-Miss.) | Young, Don (R-Alaska) |