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Bloomberg's Publicity Hounds Howl for Attention Following Ft. Hood Crime

Friday, April 4, 2014

The day after a soldier armed with a handgun murdered three, wounded 16, and killed himself on Ft. Hood, in central Texas, Michael Bloomberg’s two anti-gun groups--Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) and Moms Demand Action--issued a joint press release admitting, “we don’t know all the details.” This did not stop them, however, from offering “spokespeople available for comment and TV interviews (from NYC, DC and via satellite).”  Knowledge of details—and facts—have never stood as an impediment for anti-gun groups to start prescribing their usual remedies.

If the anti-gunners appeared to be hungry for the media’s attention, it was for a reason. As detailed elsewhere in this Alert, polls conducted by Rasmussen Reports have found that support for gun control has decreased 22 percent since December 2012. Additionally, Bloomberg is no longer mayor of New York City and therefore can no longer use that office’s bully pulpit to lecture America on his tiresome views about gun control.

Furthermore, the mayors’ group has experienced self-inflicted credibility problems over the last year, and that has forced the egotistical Bloomberg to let his “moms” group carry his message while he struggles to rehabilitate his first group’s name. Partly as a result, the Brady Campaign (what remains of it) is again becoming the anti-gun group whose opinions are sought by the media and by President Barack Obama and his White House staff.

Meanwhile, Fox News reports that Wednesday’s crime on Ft. Hood, which follows the mass murder committed on the base by terrorist sympathizer Maj. Nidal Hasan in 2009, has renewed calls for relaxing arbitrary regulations that for many years have denied Americans their right to carry firearms for protection on-post. Fox quoted two survivors of Hasan’s attack as saying, “When our soldiers are unarmed, they will find themselves in a situation like yesterday and in 2009,” and, “If you are allowed to carry a weapon on the base, that’s a deterrent.”

Fox also reports that Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee, said, “The problem here, and with Fort Hood, the prior Nidal Hasan case, is that [victims] couldn’t defend themselves because they were not allowed to carry weapons.” If Bloomberg could be forced to respond to that simple fact, we’d almost be happy for the media to take him up on his desperate attempt to stand again in the anti-gunners’ spotlight.

Michael Bloomberg
Kamala Harris: Government Agents Should Invade Locked Homes to Inspect Legal Guns


Monday, September 23, 2024

Kamala Harris: Government Agents Should Invade Locked Homes to Inspect Legal Guns

It’s no secret that Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris doesn’t respect the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Kamala for Gun Confiscation: In Her Own Words


Monday, September 16, 2024

Kamala for Gun Confiscation: In Her Own Words

During the September 10 presidential debate, President Donald Trump correctly highlighted Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s support for gun confiscation. A visibly defensive Harris claimed, “We're not taking anybody's guns away. So stop with the ...

Anti-Gun Industrial Complex Adds Another Group


Monday, September 23, 2024

Anti-Gun Industrial Complex Adds Another Group

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Congress Advances Resolution to Counteract Biden-Harris Ban on Private Gun Sales


Monday, September 23, 2024

Congress Advances Resolution to Counteract Biden-Harris Ban on Private Gun Sales

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NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to “Assault Weapons” Ban

Monday, September 23, 2024

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to “Assault Weapons” Ban

Today, the NRA filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to grant certiorari in a challenge to Maryland’s “assault weapons” ban.

Kamala Harris “Re-envisioning Public Safety”


Monday, September 23, 2024

Kamala Harris “Re-envisioning Public Safety”

All of her protestations to the contrary, Vice President and Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris has shown, time and again, that she does not believe in the Second Amendment and will do what she can to ...

Texas State District Judge Refuses to Block Enforcement of Gun Ban at Texas State Fair

Friday, September 20, 2024

Texas State District Judge Refuses to Block Enforcement of Gun Ban at Texas State Fair

Late Thursday, a Texas state district judge denied Attorney General Ken Paxton's (R) request for an injunction to block the State Fair of Texas' firearms ban at Fair Park, where the annual event is scheduled ...

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation


Monday, July 29, 2024

Kamala Harris is an Existential Threat to the Second Amendment and Supports Gun Confiscation

Since President Joe Biden unceremoniously dropped out, or was forced out, of the 2024 presidential race on July 21, Vice President Kamala Harris has been effectively coronated as the Democratic presidential nominee.

The Anti-Gun Myth: There’s No “Good Guy with a Gun”


Monday, September 16, 2024

The Anti-Gun Myth: There’s No “Good Guy with a Gun”

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Has Harris Clarified Her Stance on Gun Confiscation?


Monday, September 16, 2024

Has Harris Clarified Her Stance on Gun Confiscation?

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.