Last Friday, July 18, Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed into law anti-gun Assembly Bill 1964. AB 1964 unnecessarily removes existing exemptions for all single-shot pistols, other than those with a break top or bolt-action, from California’s roster of “not unsafe” handguns. It is unfortunate that this legislation was passed and Governor Brown signed such a law that does not address any legitimate public safety problems and conflicts with well-established constitutional principles.
Criminals are not purchasing single shot handguns from firearms dealers to commit their crimes. Rather than target criminal behavior, AB 1964 will only impact law-abiding gun owners. This new law effectively eliminates the only option for Californians to purchase numerous handguns that are commonly owned throughout the rest of the United States. As the U.S. Supreme Court made clear, the Second Amendment protects firearms that are “typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes.” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 624-625. By improperly expanding California’s ban on common handguns, AB 1964 violates the Second Amendment and will add to the growing list of litigation the state is already facing.
Another point that AB 1964 only affects law-abiding gun owners is that it further reduces handguns available for purchase in California, which is already greatly reduced by the microstamping law taking effect in May of 2013. As a result of the microstamping law, a large number of handguns were “delisted” and can no longer be sold by retailers in California. And the state Department of Justice (DOJ) Newly Added Firearms list has been blank since May 2013, only on June 13 of THIS year were twenty-five new model handguns added to the list. To view the list of newly added handguns click here. To view more information on the microstamping fiasco, please click here.
The NRA understands the need to fight the criminal misuse of firearms, and supports policies that are truly aimed at improving public safety instead of measures like AB 1964 that will only impact law-abiding Americans.
Please call AND e-mail Governor Brown respectfully informing him of your disappointment on his lack of protection for law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen. Governor Brown can be reached at 916-445-2841 and by e-mail at: