Contact your state Representative TODAY in support of these important bills!
Today, both Senate Bill 610 and the Firearms Confidentiality Package were passed in the Michigan House Judiciary Committee. These important bills now go to the House floor for consideration, and it is important that you contact your state Representative TODAY in support of these critical pro-gun reforms.
SB 610, sponsored by state Senator Michael Green (R-31), would repeal Michigan’s ban on the private ownership of short-barreled rifles and shotguns. Short-barreled rifles and shotguns are already strictly regulated under the National Firearms Act, requiring their buyers to undergo a background check, pay a $200 tax and register these firearms with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. SB 610, which passed in the Michigan Senate by a 36-2 vote on November 14, 2013, would conform Michigan law to federal law and align Michigan with more than forty other states that already allow their residents to possess these firearms. An amendment was made to SB 610 in the House committee, thus, upon passage in the House, this bill must return to the state Senate for a concurrence vote.
The Firearms Confidentiality Package, consisting of House Bill 5324, House Bill 5325, House Bill 5326, House Bill 5327, House Bill 5328, House Bill 5329 and House Bill 4155, would clarify current laws regarding the licensing and registration of pistols. Specifically, these bills aim to rework the current regulations regarding how firearms records are collected, used and accessed. These bills reiterate that information contained in a firearms record is confidential and not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. They ensure that the only accepted disclosure of an individual’s firearms records information is limited to times when a peace officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that the firearm was used in the commission of a crime, that the individual whose record is being accessed is a threat to himself, herself or other individuals, or when the safety of the peace officer is at issue. These clarifications make firearms records subject to similar constitutional protections afforded by the Fourth Amendment. The Firearms Records Confidentiality Package is an important step forward in keeping firearms records private and confidential.
In preparation for these bills being considered on the House floor, please contact your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to SUPPORT SB 610 and all bills in the Firearms Confidentiality Package! If you are unsure who your Representative is, please click here.
Your NRA-ILA will keep you up to date as these bills progress through the Michigan Legislature. As always, check and your e-mail for future legislative updates.