DATE: February 26, 2013
TO: USF & NRA Member and Friends
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President
First, let me answer that question -- Senator Wilton Simpson (R-Trilby) is a strong, dedicated supporter of the Second Amendment. He is committed to protecting your right to keep and bear arms and your right of self-defense. He definitely is a Second Amendment FRIEND!
Those who say otherwise are attempting to mislead you. Groups who are promoting a piece of legislation produced and being pushed by an organization based in California, are attacking Senators and Representatives who won't sponsor or co-sponsor a bill that will cause some serious negative consequences.
Ask yourself why organizations that traditionally have nothing to do with the Second Amendment are suddenly claiming they are protecting the Second Amendment (which they disrespectfully call the 2A ). Why are they claiming to be patriots but are engaged in bullying legislators who are skeptical of the legality and the ramifications of their proposed legislation?
If your cause is righteous, why would you threaten, bully and try to trash the reputation of good people who may agree with your expressed cause but disagree with your solution and tactics?
Rest assured, the Florida legislature has many strong Second Amendment supporters and for people calling themselves patriots to criticize and bully them and claim otherwise, belies their intent.
Senator Simpson is not the only legislator being bullied, he's just the latest....consider the source.