Contact your state Representative TODAY in opposition to LD 1240 and LD 267
After being defeated on first reading in the state Senate, the state House successfully defeated two egregious anti-gun proposals this week:
- LD 265 would repeal an important self-defense measure enacted in 2011, which prohibits an employer from banning an employee with a valid Concealed Handgun Permit from keeping a firearm in the employee's vehicle as long as the vehicle is locked and the firearm is not visible. This measure is effectively dead for the session.
- LD 1173 would repeal an important self-defense measure that allows individuals who have obtained a Concealed Handgun Permit to carry a firearm in state parks and historic sites. This measure is effectively dead for the session.
Despite this pro-gun momentum, anti-gun legislators are aggressively pursuing two more extreme measures that would make misguided changes to Maine’s current firearm laws by attacking private firearm transfers. These anti-gun bills could be considered in the state House as early as Monday, so it is critical you contact your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to oppose the following legislation:
- LD 1240, as amended, would unjustly burden law-abiding citizens by creating a system of fines, and in some cases criminal liability, for the private transfer of firearms.
- LD 267 criminalizes private transfers by mandating background investigations for all firearm transfers performed at gun shows.
Again, please contact your state Representative TODAY in opposition to LD 1240 and LD 267. Click here for help identifying your state Representative and his or her contact information.