Contact Governor LePage TODAY and respectfully urge him to veto LD 1240
On the last day of the 2013 legislative session, the Maine Senate passed a bill that restricts private firearm transfers, loans and sales, LD 1240. Despite this misguided legislation failing in the state Senate on Monday, the Senate reversed itself yesterday. Remarkably, after decades of steadfast Second Amendment support, state Senator John Tuttle (D-3) changed his position and voted in favor of LD 1240. Because Senator Tuttle changed his vote and sided with the anti-gun faction, LD 1240 passed in the state Senate by an 18-17 margin. This measure will now go to Governor Paul LePage (R) for his consideration.
It is critical that all gun owners, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporters e-mail Governor LePage TODAY and respectfully urge him to VETO LD 1240.
Click here to send him an e-mail.
Currently, it is illegal under Maine and federal law to knowingly sell a firearm to a person who is a prohibited person. Likewise, it is a felony under Maine and federal law for a prohibited person to buy, own or possess a firearm. However, this legislation seeks to make drastic and unnecessary changes to current firearms laws that will unduly place law-abiding citizens at risk by creating a system of fines, and in some cases criminal liability, for the private sale of firearms. LD 1240 is the wrong direction for Maine.