Governor Bobby Jindal (R) has signed the following NRA-backed measures below into law. Please send him an e-mail here and thank him for enacting these important bills.
House Bill 8 by state Representative Jeff Thompson (R-Bossier City) strengthens the current concealed handgun permit confidentiality statute by establishing fines and criminal penalties for individuals who intentionally release, disseminate, or otherwise make public, information on persons who have applied for or been issued carry permits. This new law takes effect on August 1. Please thank Rep. Thompson for sponsoring and helping pass this measure (
Senate Bill 135 by state Senator Neil Riser (R-Columbia) and House Bill 717 by state Representative Henry Burns (R-Haughton) bring the state into compliance with requirements set forth in the federal NICS Improvement Amendments Act (NIAA) of 2007. This legislation does not expand or create new categories of prohibited persons; rather, it requires the submission of records of individuals who have been placed under certain types of mental health-related orders by a court -- and are prohibited by current federal law from possessing firearms -- into the NICS database. SB 135 and HB 717 would also allow a court to grant relief from the federal prohibition upon a finding that the petitioner will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the granting of the relief would not be contrary to the public interest. These acts become effective on January 1, 2014. Please thank Sen. Riser and Rep. Burns for introducing and helping pass these bills ( and
House Bill 277 by state Representative Eddie Lambert (R-Gonzales) repeals the current state police registration requirement for the transfer of guns and accessories that are regulated under the National Firearms Act. The law passed in 2011 allowing for the use of suppressors for hunting feral hogs has significantly increased interest in acquiring the devices -- and highlighted the need to repeal this antiquated state registration requirement that is burdensome for law enforcement, industry and consumers. This new law takes effect on August 1. Please thank Rep. Lambert for sponsoring and helping pass this legislation (