Contact Governor Nixon TODAY and ask him to sign House Bill 533 into law
Today, the state House concurred on House Bill 533 and this critical self-defense reform bill now heads to Governor Jay Nixon (D) for his consideration.
Sponsored by state Representative Jeanie Riddle (R-49) and state Senator Brian Munzlinger (R-18), HB 533 would protect the right of a state employee to store a firearm in his or her private vehicle on state property as long as the vehicle is locked and the firearm is not visible. Due to amendments adopted on the floor of the Missouri Senate, HB 533 also seeks to prohibit any government entity from using tax dollars to participate in a gun “buyback” program unless the firearms are resold or transferred to a federally licensed firearms dealer.
Please contact Governor Nixon and respectfully ask him to sign House Bill 533 into law.
Phone: (573) 751-3222
Click here to send an e-mail.