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Connecticut: Governor Malloy and Connecticut General Assembly Approve an Irresponsible and Dangerous Measure that will Victimize Responsible Gun Owners

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Today, Governor Dan Malloy (D) disregarded the constitutional rights of the residents in Connecticut and signed Senate Bill 1160 into law, the most sweeping and radical “gun control” bill in our nation’s history.  This measure was approved in the state Senate by a 26-10 vote and in the state House by a 105-44 vote, only hours after both chambers received the bill language.

Governor Malloy and his “Gang of Six”—Senate President Pro Tempore Donald Williams, Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, Speaker Brendan Sharkey, House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz, and House Minority Leader Larry Cafero—led the charge to hastily enact legislation that will forever change your Second Amendment rights and sporting heritage in Connecticut.

Labeled an “Emergency Certification Bill,” SB 1160 was approved by both legislative chambers without a public hearing or allowing adequate time for committee review.  The foundation of the democratic process was effectively eliminated, and state legislators were not permitted enough time to become fully versed on the bill language before voting on it.  The anti-gun elite did the same thing in New York in January and are only now finding and admitting their mistakes, problems and "unintended consequences."

In less than 24 hours, a bill was passed by both legislative chambers and signed into law by the Governor.  Regardless of one's views on gun control issues, the general public should be outraged at politicians enacting laws in this manner. Important policy should not be decided like this in America and especially in a state nicknamed the "Constitution State."

If your state legislators voted for Senate Bill 1160, please call and e-mail them and let them know how utterly disappointed you are in their irresponsible vote for such an extremist measure.  Ask them why they voted for a measure without allowing time for public input and review.  If your state legislator(s) voted against the measure, please thank them.  Click here to view contact information for your state legislators.

Your NRA is fully committed to our members and all responsible gun owners in Connecticut, and is preparing appropriate legal action to address the enactment of this legislation.  Furthermore, we are deeply committed to holding every state legislator -- who voted for this blatantly unconstitutional measure in the darkness of night  -- accountable in the 2014 election.  We are analyzing all ramifications of this act and will be communicating that information to our members soon.

The most tragic aspect of this situation is not the destruction of your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, but that certain legislators radically impacted your lives without initiating ANY proposal to keep you safe from the criminal access to or misuse of firearms.  This new gun control law is not going to stop a future act of violence by a street criminal, gang member or madman who misuses a firearm.

In addition to contacting your state legislators if they voted for SB 1160, please contact the “Gang of Six” and let them know of your disgust with their backroom deal-making that betrayed the rights of responsible gun owners and tell them you will not forget.

Senate President Pro Tempore Don Williams
Aide:  860-240-8634
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donald.williams.7758?fref=pb 

Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney
Aide:  860-240-0375

Senate Minority John McKinney
Aide:  860-240-8846
Office:  860-240-8813
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SenatorMcKinney

Speaker Brendan Sharkey
Aide:  860-240-8577
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sharkey.Brendan

House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz
Aide:  860-240-8581
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoeAresimowicz

House Minority Leader Lawrence Cafero
Aide: 860-240-0028
Office:  860-240-8708

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.