Your Immediate Action is Still Needed to Stop a Ban on Standard Capacity Magazines
In a blatant disregard for the constitutional rights of the law-abiding citizens of Colorado, a laundry list of dangerous anti-gun legislation passed yesterday in the state Senate, including:
House Bill 1224 – Bans magazines with a capacity greater than fifteen rounds. (Passed by an 18-17 vote)
House Bill 1228 – Imposes a “gun tax” for a background check when purchasing a firearm. (Passed by a 19-16 vote.)
House Bill 1229 – Criminalizes the private transfer of a firearm. (Passed by a 19-16 vote.)
Since the beginning of this year, hunters, shooters and gun owners have made tens of thousands of phone calls and sent emails making their case to the elected officials in Denver that their Second Amendment rights and freedoms shall not be infringed. Thousands of hard-working Coloradans took time away from their jobs and families, driving sometimes as much as seven hours, to show up at the state Capitol to stand in solidarity against this rights-infringing legislation.
However, despite all of this, your voice and your rights have been ignored by radical anti-gun officials who have taken their lead from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
The outright disrespect shown towards the voters in Colorado and to the legislative process, by both Governor John Hickenlooper and those state legislators who voted for these bills, is outrageous and reprehensible.
But the fight in Denver for your rights is not over yet!
Two of the bills above, HB 1224 and HB 1229, now return to the state House for a concurrence vote on Senate amendments, giving Second Amendment supporters and sportsmen another chance to stop their passage and enactment.
We need you to contact the following state Representatives TODAY and politely urge them to vote NO on HB 1224, as it only passed in the state House by a 34-31 vote last month and stands the better chance of being defeated.
Please also being to contact Governor John Hickenlooper and encourage him to veto House Bills 1224, 1228 and 1229. Contact Governor John Hickenlooper by email here and by phone at (303) 866-2471 or 303-866-2885.
Below is the contact information for the key state Representatives whose votes will determine the defeat or passage of HB 1224:
Daniel Kagan (D-03)
Mike McLachlan (D-59)
Jonathan Singer (D-11)
Dominick Moreno (D-32)
Dave Young (D-50)
Tony Exum (D-17)
Please stay tuned to and your e-mail inbox for further updates.