Senate Bill 76, a measure that would improve the concealed carry weapon (CCW) firearms qualification process, is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee this Wednesday, February 27 at 9:00 a.m. in room 2149 of the Legislative Building, located at 401 S. Carson St., Carson City. The hearing will also be video conferenced to Room 4412 of the Grant Sawyer State Office Building, located at 555 E. Washington Ave., Las Vegas.
Under SB 76, introduced by state Senator James Settelmeyer (R-17), a CCW applicant would only have to qualify with one handgun. Current law requires that CCW applicants qualify with both a semi-automatic handgun and a revolver, should they wish to carry both kinds of firearms.
Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to support SB 76. The Committee’s contact information is provided for you below.
Additionally, important campus carry legislation has been introduced by Assemblywoman Michelle Fiore (R-4) and is co-sponsored by fifteen Assembly Members and six Senators. Assembly Bill 143 would allow individuals who hold a CCW permit to carry their firearm on the property of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHU) without first gaining permission from the university president, which is currently mandated by statute. It has been a long-held policy within the campus administration to not allow permit holders to carry, which has created an environment where students, faculty and staff are left defenseless in gun-free zones.
AB 143 would also authorize county sheriffs and the Police Department of the NSHU to provide CCW permit holders with information on organizations and instructors that provide courses in firearms safety within an educational environment. This bill has been assigned to the Assembly Judiciary Committee, but has not yet been scheduled for hearing.
Senate Judiciary Committee:
Senator Tick Segerblom (D-3), Chair
Senator Ruben J. Kihuen (D-10), Vice Chair
Senator Aaron D. Ford (D-11)
Senator Justin C. Jones (D-9)
Senator Greg Brower (R-15)
Senator Scott Hammond (R-18)
Senator Mark Hutchison (R-6)