Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson Up To Her Old Tricks
Earlier this month in Montpelier, Senate Majority Leader Philip Baruth withdrew S.32 after NRA members flooded the State House with calls and e-mails in opposition to his proposed semi-auto ban. Undaunted, state Representative Linda Waite-Simpson has launched the second salvo by introducing House Bill 124 and House Bill 125 this week. Rep. Waite-Simpson has a history of anti-gun activism and annually sponsors a “mandatory firearm storage bill” in Vermont that would force gun owners to lock up their firearms and render them useless for self-defense.
Her most recent pair of anti-gun bills take extreme measures. House Bill 124 would ban the manufacture, transfer and possession of commonly owned standard capacity magazines, require background checks for all purchases at gun shows and mandate training for concealed carry. Gun owners will be hit with multiple fees for training and background checks. Additionally, all of these proposals carry tough jail sentences and fines for violations. Incredibly, HB 125 would authorize the lease of Building #617 in Essex “for use as a repository for unlawful firearms designated for ultimate disposition.”
These restrictions on the constitutional rights of Vermonters do nothing to address crime, and are designed simply to punish law-abiding gun owners. Please contact Rep. Waite-Simpson at 802-828-2228 and [email protected]. Respectfully ask her to abandon her anti-gun agenda and follow Sen. Baruth’s lead by withdrawing legislation that is both harmful and unwanted by Vermonters.