Governor Tom Corbett has nominated Charles Fox to serve as a member of the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and Rocco Ali to serve on the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
Pending confirmations by the Pennsylvania Senate, Fox will represent the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s 5th District, while Ali will represent the 2nd District of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.
Both men are avid sportsmen, conservationists, and Life Members of the NRA who will do a great service to Pennsylvania. We commend these nominations and encourage an expeditious confirmation by the Pennsylvania Senate.
Fox has devoted a lifetime of service to conservation, hunting heritage, and youth mentorship. He has 47 years of experience as a Hunter Education Instructor, and 40 years of experience as a Deputy Wildlife Conservation Officer for the Pennsylvania Game Commission. In addition to a plethora of outdoor and sportsman affiliations, he previously worked as a High School Assistant Principal in the Troy School District.
Ali is a well known activist for sportsmen’s issues in the Commonwealth. He served as President of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs and was an active member in several other outdoor and conservation organizations.
The Game Commission is a state agency that manages wildlife resources for current and future generations of Pennsylvanians. The mission of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is to manage and protect the Commonwealth’s aquatic resources, including the maintenance of meaningful access to waterways for hunters.