Today, with more than one hundred people in attendance from across Nevada, the state Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (a legislative interim committee) pulled the scheduled "Assault Weapons" presentation from the commission’s agenda. This meeting was previously reported on here. For more information on the often abused term “Assault Weapons,” please click here.
After Chairman William Horne (D-34) addressed the crowd, Commission Member Judge David Barker raised a point of order to remove the “Assault Weapons” presentation from the agenda. Judge Barker, who presides over the Eighth Judicial District Court in Clark County, stated that hearing issues pertaining to “Assault Weapons” fell outside the parameters of the commission’s statutorily-defined purpose. He further stated that this was a legislative matter, not to be taken up by an interim committee.
Despite disagreement from Chairman Horne, who argued that in light of all the recent violence he felt the issue did fall within the Commission’s parameters, Judge Barker made a motion to withdraw the agenda item. Commission Member Phil Kohn, a Clark County Public Defender, seconded the motion. Chairman Horne called for a voice vote and the commission voted 8-5 to remove the agenda item.
Please stay tuned for more in-depth information to follow. The NRA would like to thank our members who contacted the Commission members and those attended the meeting to testify.