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Nevada Department of Wildlife to Consider Ban on Hunting Bear with Dogs

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

In a move to more closely mirror California's anti-hunting environment, the Nevada Department of Wildlife will be hearing a petition to ban the use of hounds by hunters when bear hunting.  This proposal will be considered by the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners (NVBWC) at its meeting in Reno this Saturday, December 8.  Their agenda and guidelines for public comment can be viewed here (petition details are under 17 and guidelines are under 22).

Hunting with dogs is a tradition that continues across the country.  Many dog breeds with select characteristics for hunting can be traced back for thousands of years.  Seventeen states allow bear hunting with dogs.  The use of hounds for hunting has never been shown to have an adverse impact on wildlife numbers.  Biologists and other wildlife experts determine regulations and bag limits, just as they do with other hunting seasons.

The list of advocates for this petition reads like a who's who of “animal rights”/anti-hunting extremists, including the Humane Society of the United States, No Bear Hunt NV, Nevada Political Action for Animals, The Bear League and the American Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals based in northern California.  Emboldened by the total ban on the use of hounds for hunting in California earlier this year, it has been a long-held mission for these groups to ban the hunting of bear altogether and this is the first step toward that end.  Additionally, as we previously reported, Governor Brian Sandoval recently appointed anti-hunting activist, Karen Layne, to the NVBWC.

The NVBWC is responsible for establishing broad policy, setting annual and permanent regulations, reviewing budgets and receiving input on wildlife and boating matters from entities such as the seventeen county advisory boards to manage wildlife.

Please attend this commission meeting on Saturday and respectfully express your opposition to this petition.  This meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. this Saturday at 1100 Valley Road in Reno.  Public comment will be allowed on each action item and is limited to three minutes.  Also, please contact commission members in opposition to this petition.  The commission members’ contact information is provided below.


Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners:


Jack Robb, Chairman

(775) 848-3637

[email protected]


Jeremy Drew, Vice Chairman

(775) 843-9109

[email protected]


Karen Layne

(702) 354-8911

[email protected]


David McNinch

(775) 747-7545

[email protected]


Peter Mori

(775) 340-5704

[email protected] 

Michael McBeath

(702) 401-1848

[email protected]

Scott Raine

(775) 318-0506

[email protected]

Grant Wallace

(775) 572-3154

[email protected]

Bill Young

(702) 533-4820

[email protected]

Nevada Hunting with dogs Nevada
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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.