Governor John Hickenlooper, a former member of a national anti-gun group called Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) founded and funded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, was just recently joined by thirteen mayors in Colorado to coordinate with President Obama to help pass gun control measures here in Colorado and nationally.
Governor Hickenlooper has also gone on the offensive when it comes to gun control by making statements just this past week that the “time is right” to consider stripping away your gun rights this next session.
However, that contradicits statements he said earlier this year in an ABC interview where he expressed skepticism that tougher gun laws would prevent crimes.
As we know all too well, there are those in Colorado and across the country who do not support the Second Amendment the way you and I do. They choose to take an impulsive approach to these situations that could end up harming more law-abiding citizens in the process.
Those anti-gun extremists are looking to Colorado as a "guinea pig" to push through ineffective and illogical gun control laws at the state level; those that have proven to be failures in other states, and solely affecting and punishing law-abiding citizens.
There has already been serious discussion by some anti-gun Democrats in the Colorado General Assembly to ban commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles, ban “high capacity magazines,” ban online sales of ammunition, restrict private sales and reverse the state Supreme Court ruling on Campus Carry. These misguided views are an affront to our constitutional rights as law-abiding citizens.
The battle to protect our gun rights that lies before us in this next legislative session in is one unlike we have ever seen. As gun owners, sportsmen and supporters of the Second Amendment, we urge you to contact Governor John Hickenlooper and your state legislators to respectfully express your opposition to restrictions to your lawful gun rights.
Governor John Hickenlooper can be reached by e-mail or telephone at (303) 866-2471. Contact information for your state legislators can be found here.
Please stay tuned to for further updates.