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Louisiana: "YES on 2" Means Restoring and Protecting Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Friday, November 2, 2012

On Tuesday, November 6, you have an opportunity to build an iron wall around your Second Amendment rights by voting YES on Louisiana Constitutional Amendment 2.

Safeguard Your Freedom:  Voting “Yes on 2” on Tuesday, November 6 means restoring and protecting your firearm freedoms 

  • Louisiana’s current state provision is defective and leaves you unprotected against the whims of judges and politicians who think you shouldn’t have the right to own and use a firearm.
  • Now is the time to restore and fortify our gun rights.   Protection of your first freedom can’t wait - do your part and stand with your fellow firearm owners and the NRA by choosing “YES on 2” this Election Day!

The NRA has worked with Governor Bobby Jindal, state Senator Neil Riser, state Representative Chris Broadwater and other pro-gun legislators to pass a Constitutional Amendment to defend your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and it needs your support this November 6th!  The following is additional information on the importance of voting “YES on 2.”  Share this information with your family, friends and fellow gun owners and sportsmen in Louisiana.  Remind them to VOTE “YES on 2” on Tuesday, November 6!


Governor Bobby Jindal Endorses “YES on 2”:

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stands with the National Rifle Association and expresses his support for Amendment 2 to the Louisiana Constitution to protect the gun rights of Louisiana citizens.  Read his reasons for strengthening protections to your fundamental Right to Keep and Bear Arms in this article from Business Report here.


Former Governor Mike Foster Endorses “YES on 2”:  Listen to his reasons for supporting Amendment 2 here.


NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox’s Op-Ed on “YES on 2”:

“With just one vote on November 6th, you can build an iron wall around your Second Amendment freedoms and protect them from activist anti-gun judges.”

Read the whole article here.


Steve Halbrook, constitutional scholar, on “YES on 2”:

A vote for Amendment 2 is a vote for taking constitutional rights seriously.

Read the whole article here.


Dave Kopel, constitutional scholar, on “YES on 2”:

“In state elections, the most important vote this November will be in Louisiana.  A referendum there would significantly strengthen protection of the right to keep and bear arms in the state, and would set a very significant national precedent.”

Read the whole article here.


Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooting Association (LSA), practicing attorney and gun rights activist:

“LSA unequivocally supports this amendment.  The language of this amendment is vastly superior to the existing language of the Louisiana Constitution in protecting gun owners from future anti-gun legislative action.  This constitutional amendment is the most important advancement in the right to keep and bear arms in Louisiana history.”

Read the whole article here.


Tea Party of Louisiana Endorses "YES on 2:"

“The Tea Party of Louisiana calls on all citizens to take note of this amendment and vote YES to Amendment #2 on the Nov 6th ballot.  If accepted by the voters on November 6, Louisiana would then have one of the strongest state guarantees of the right to keep and bears arms nationwide.”

Read the whole news release here.

Rolfe McCollister, Baton Rouge Business Report - Recommends "YES on 2".  Click here to read.

Jeffery Saddow, LSU-Shreveport Associate Professor of Political Science, recommends "YES on 2".  Click here to read the article.



Frequently Asked Questions about Amendment 2

“The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms is fundamental and shall not be infringed.  Any restriction on this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.”

What is strict scrutiny?

  • Strict scrutiny is the highest level of legal protection for a constitutional right.
  • This level of protection is reserved for rights that are deemed “fundamental” (e.g. free speech and right to vote).
  • For decades, anti-gun judges and lawyers have fought tirelessly against application of “strict scrutiny” to our fundamental Second Amendment rights.


 Why is strict scrutiny used as the level of review?

  • Louisiana’s current right to keep and bear arms provision is deemed to only deserve a “rational basis” or the lowest standard of review – virtually any rights-infringing law can pass this level of review.
  • Because this proposed amendment will protect a fundamental right and will expressly acknowledge the right as “fundamental,” it naturally follows that the protected right requires the highest level of legal protection.


Why is Louisiana’s current right to keep and bear arms amendment inadequate?

  • Because Louisiana courts have determined that the current right to arms provision deserves the lowest level of review, the provision provides less protection than the Second Amendment itself, rendering Louisiana's constitutional provision meaningless under Heller and McDonald.
  • According to the Louisiana Supreme Court, "The State of Louisiana is entitled to restrict that right for legitimate state purposes, such as public health and safety. "State v. Blanchard, 776 So.2d 1165, 1168 (La. 2001).
  • Almost any restriction is upheld by the courts under the “rational basis” legal standard.
  • The Louisiana Constitution also expressly allows a future legislature to impose a ban on the carrying of weapons concealed on the person – even in one’s home or on one’s own property.


Will this protect Louisianans Right to Keep and Bear Arms?

  • Yes.  Louisiana is on the verge of passing a historic level of protection for the right to keep and bear arms.
  • Ironically, the effort is now being opposed by a misinformed few who mistakenly believe this proposed amendment allows for more, not less, gun control.
  • Make no mistake, this amendment would not only strengthen Louisiana’s current constitutional right to arms, it would provide the strongest protection of the right to keep and bear arms of any jurisdiction in the United States.
  • Simply put, it is the highest standard of constitutional review available in the United States.  Those who believe in the strongest possible protection for the right to arms should enthusiastically vote“Yes” on November 6.


 How to Get Involved

1. Visit our "YES on 2" website at www.nraila.org/YESon2 for more information.

2. Become a "Fan" or “Like" "Vote YES on 2" (www.facebook.com/voteyeson2) on Facebook and encourage all your friends to do the same.

3. Please encourage your friends, family, fellow gun owners and hunters across Louisiana to join you in voting "YES on 2" on Tuesday, November 6.

4. Contact NRA-ILA Grassroots to find out more ways to become involved!  You can call us at 1-800-392-VOTE (8683).

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.