The Bakersfield Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will be hosting a public information meeting on July 9 in Three Rivers to discuss progress on the opportunity the BLM has to acquire additional lands and public access to the Case Mountain area. The workshop will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. at Three Rivers Memorial Building, 43490 Sierra Drive.
The BLM is asking the public for information, ideas and concerns regarding current public access and whether to and how access should be improved. The agency has begun a formal public scoping process and is looking to hear from hunters and shooters since the area is popular for hunting and informal target shooting. The BLM is hoping that a number of hunters and shooters will become interested in working on this project with them.
The July 9th meeting will follow up on the information, ideas, and concerns the community expressed during the May 29 public workshop in Three Rivers. Using this feedback, the BLM has developed some alternatives to address access to public lands and the potential acquisition of a portion of the Craig Ranch. The BLM will present these alternatives, including large-scale maps and engineering plans of the proposed infrastructure. These presentations will be followed by the opportunity to review area maps and ask questions of BLM staff.
For further information on the public workshop, contact Peter De Witt at (661) 391-6120, email: The public is invited to submit written comments on the Case Mountain potential Craig Ranch acquisition before July 21 by email to: or by mail to: Attn: Outdoor Recreation Planner, Bakersfield Field Office, 3801 Pegasus Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93308.