A recent story in USA Today (to read the story, please click here: www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2008-08-07-tsa-gun-ban_N.htm) reported that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) may weigh in on the issue of legal carry in the unsecured areas of airports.
It was reported that TSA “may allow airports to ban firearms from terminals, parking lots, roads and other airport areas where many states currently allow passengers to carry . . .” Such a policy would not only interfere with self-defense rights, but could also interfere with the possession of legal firearms by hunters and other travelers who plan to check those firearms in their luggage.
Please be sure to contact TSA to let them know that their interference with local Right-to-Carry laws is unwanted and an unneeded infringement on the right to self-defense.
You can contact TSA at https://contact.tsa.dhs.gov/DynaForm.aspx?FormID=10; or by mail at: Transportation Security Administration, 601 South 12th Street, Arlington, VA 22202-4220.